Python Marketing Interview Questions?

Python programming language was developed and introduced by Guido van Rossum on 20 February 1991. It is one of the most used languages because of its applications in modern technologies like Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It is a free-to-use and open-source language with an easy syntax. Also, Python is a general-purpose language based on the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP).

Python is a dynamic type of language with the feature of portability that has extensive support for libraries.

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What is the Scope of Python Programming?

Python is considered the best option for developing games and programs efficiently. With support for multiple programs, Python is the preferred choice for all future technologies such as AI, ML, and data science.

It also has broad community support and has way better code readability. The Python developer interview questions mentioned in this comprehensive write-up will challenge your knowledge and improve your arsenal, which will land you in a great pool of opportunities.

Python has a very good future scope in various sectors:

  1. Desktop GUI application
  2. Console-based applications
  3. Game development
  4. Software development
  5. Audio and video applications
  6. Image processing applications
  7. Internet of things
  8. Machine learning
  9. Artificial intelligence

Basic Python Interview Questions & Answers

Below are some of the top Python interview questions for freshers (with proper answers).

1. What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose computer programming language based on object-oriented programming. The programs in Python can run equally on every operating system. It is the primary language used in modern technologies like AI, data science, and ML.

2. Python was developed in which year?

It was developed in 1991.

3. What are the primary uses of Python?

Here is the list of some areas where Python programming language is used:

  1. Data Analysis
  2. Software testing
  3. Web development
  4. Software and application development
  5. Game development
  6. Automation and scripting
  7. Machine Learning
  8. Artificial Intelligence
  9. Data science and data visualization
  10. Desktop GUI
  11. Blockchain
  12. Image processing and graphic applications
  13. Creating operating systems
  14. Prototyping
  15. Everyday tasks like downloading audio and video files, updating the lists, converting files, filling information, renaming and arranging large batches, setting notifications, and many more.

4. Who uses Python?

Most of the big names in the industry are using Python language for their operations. Brands like IBM, NASA, Pixer, Facebook, Spotify, Intel, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, etc., use Python as one of the primary languages.

5. What are the benefits of using Python?

Python has various benefits, and some of them are:

  1. Easy to read and write
  2. Interpreted language
  3. Vast library functions
  4. Portable across various operating systems
  5. Efficiency
  6. Presence of third party modules
  7. Various data analysis tools.
  8. Object-oriented programming base
  9. Open-source library
  10. Rich frameworks
  11. Testing instruments

6. How to write a program in Python?

Before writing a program in Python, there should be an interpreter like PyCharm installed on the system.

  1. Create a new project
  2. Select a location or storage space where files will be stored
  3. Click on the create button and select the new file
  4. Name the file
  5. Type a simple program
  6. Run the program from the run option in the Menu
  7. The output will be at the bottom of the screen

7. Where to run Python code?

You can run a Python code from the run option in the menu in an interpreter. A Python code can also run in command prompt code. It will run the program after entering the correct path of the file.

8. What is a function in Python with example?

A function in Python is a code block that runs when it is called in a program. Data can be passed into the function with the help of this, and it is known as a parameter. The function can also return data as results.

9. How many functions are there in Python?

There are basically three types of functions in Python:

Built-in functions

These functions come defined with the Python language. Here are some of the built-in functions in Python:

  1. print() function
  2. len() function
  3. sum() function
  4. sorted() function
  5. dir() function
  6. max() function

User-defined functions

These functions are defined by the user to perform a task in the program. These are defined with the def keyword at the start. These functions are written like this:

  1. def add_numbers()
  2. def entry()

Anonymous functions

These are the functions that are defined without a name. Also called lambda functions, the anonymous functions are used when a user needs a function for a little time in function. It is written as— lambda()

10. Where is a Python function defined?

A function in Python is called with the help of the def keyword. A function block starts with this keyword, and then function name and parentheses(()) take place. Arguments are placed between this, and parameters can also be defined inside of this.

11. Is Python code compiled or interpreted?

Python code is interpreted. A Python code is converted into bytecode that is executed by a virtual machine in Python. A Python program is not needed to build like code for other languages where it is compiled, and it works on an interpreter only.

12. What is a dynamically typed language?

Type checking takes place at execution in a dynamically typed language. The variables are checked against types only when the code is executing. Programming languages like Python, JavaScript, PHP, Lisp, etc., come under this type.

The exact same variable can be used multiple times in a program in a dynamically typed language like Python.

13. What are Python literals?

The raw data that is assigned to constants and variables are defined as literals in Python. Basically, these are used to represent a fixed value in the source code. It can be either a string type, a numeric type, a boolean type, etc.

14. What is an Interpreted language?

When the implementation of the programs is done directly without compilation of the program into machine language, the language is called interpreted language. These languages are slower than the compiled languages.

All the debugging occurs at run time in this language. Python, JavaScript, Perl, etc., are some of the examples of interpreted languages.

15. What is Python virtualenv?

The isolated environment for development and debugging Python is called virtualenv. It runs multiple applications with the help of pip. You can also use it to isolate a Python interpreter with settings and libraries.

virtualenv is a tool that is used for storing copies of Python and pip that are installed from the projects. With the help of this, a user can work on multiple projects on the same machine at the exact same time.

16. What do you think of the future of Python?

Most future technologies are mostly dependent on Python, and that is what makes it one of the most used languages.

Python is very popular, and it is used as it is less complex than other languages. The future is of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Because the majority of programming in ML and AI is done with Python, the future of the language contains more opportunities.

17. How to reverse a list in Python?

The function that is used to reverse a list in Python is list.reserve()

18. What is the role of map() function in Python?

The Python map() function processes and transforms the iterable like tuples and lists without using for loop.

19. What is a Try block in Python?

It is a block that is preceded with the help of the try keyword.

20. What is the shortest method to open a text file and display content?

Using the ‘with’ command is the shortest way to open a text file and display the content in it.

21. Can you write a Python program to add two integers that are greater than zero without using the plus operator?

Yes, I can do it with the help of a bitwise operator.

22. What will be the output of this program? A[2]=[1,3,4,5,8,9,11,56]

The indexing starts from zero, and the element at the second index is 4. The output will be 4.

23. What is the Python dictionary?

A dictionary in Python is a collection of items that are written in curly brackets with keys and values. The items are in no particular order and are used to retrieve the value for keys that are known.

24. Differentiate between new and override modifiers in Python.

If there are two methods with the exact same name to perform different tasks and provide different functionality, the concept of overriding is used. 

The new modifiers hide the original method, which provides different functionality. The original method can also be accessed by the base class.

25. What is pass in Python?

Pass is a statement in Python that is used as a placeholder for upcoming codes. At execution, it does not show any error, but it is not allowed in loops, class definitions, if statements, or function definitions.

Basically, it is a null statement, and when it is executed, it will result in no operation.

26. What is recursion in Python?

When the functions call themselves in a program, the process is known as recursion. It has two parts, the base case and the recursive case. 

The base case is used to stop the recursion, and the recursive base is where the function calls itself.

27. What are the basic applications of Python?

The basic applications of Python include:

  1. Web and web framework applications
  2. Image processing applications
  1. GUI based desktop applications
  2. Prototyping
  3. Game development
  4. Data processing

28. Tell me the names of some Python built-in modules?

  1. OS module
  2. Random module
  3. Sys module
  4. JSON
  1. Math module 
  2. Collective module

29. How does closure occur in Python?

When a nested function defines a value in an enclosing scope, the closure occurs in the program. It remembers the values.

30 Tell me something about SciPy.

All the numerical code is stored in SciPy. It contains a better version of the linear algebra modules with more features. There are more algebra modules in SciPy as well.

31. What is the enumerate() function in Python?

Enumerate() is a function that is used to iterate through a sequence. It keeps track of both elements and the index. It takes the collection and returns it as an enumerated object.

32. How does Python do Compile-time and Run-time code checking?

Python does not perform compile-time code checking except when the code is syntactically invalid. If the code is following the syntax rules, it will compile without even checking it.

Python run time code checking is done dynamically. All the parts of the program are checked at runtime.

33. What are the common built-in data types in Python?

  1. Binary type
  2. Boolean type
  3. Set type
  1. Mapping type
  2. Sequence type
  1. Numeric types
  2. Text type

34. What is the basic difference between .py and .pyc files?

.py files have the source code of a program, while the .pyc files have the bytecode of a Python program. Python compiles the .py files and saves them as .pyc files.

35. What are comments in Python? What are different types of comments?

Comments are text with the information in Python. These are used when two or more programmers are working on a project. The use of Python comments is to analyze, debug, and provide feedback. 

Comments are of two types:

  1. Single line comment
  2. Multiple line comment

36. What are global, private, and protected attributes in Python?

  1. Global variables are defined in the global scope. Global keyword is used for using it in global scope in a function.
  2. Private attributes have double underscores as prefixes to their identifiers. They can not be accessed from outside directly, which results in AttributeError.
  3. Protected attributes have an underscore as a prefix to their prefix. It can also be accessed from outside the class.

37. How to remove duplicate elements from a list in Python?

Duplicate elements can be removed from the list by turning them into the set. The set (list) function is used for it.

38. What is Python Tkinter?

Tkinter in Python is a library and toolkit for GUI development. It has attributes like dimensions, fonts, colors, etc. It also gives support for various GUI applications.

39. What is Pyramid in Python?

A Python pyramid is made for larger applications. We can select a database, URL structure, templating style, database, etc., with the help of a pyramid. It provides flexibility as it is a heavy configuration program.

40. Is tuple comprehension possible in Python?

No, it is not possible because it will end up in a generator instead of a tuple comprehension.

41. What is the work of # in Python?

It is used to comment out everything that comes after on the line in Python.

42. What is the minimum and maximum length of an identifier in Python?

Identifiers can be of any length. There are no limitations on length in Python.

43. What are modules and packages in Python?

A package holds sub-packages and modules, and the file is used in the package for holding user-interpreted codes.

A module is a file that has Python code. It also modifies the code to get executed in run time. It consists of the unit namespace, which also has extracted variables.

The modules prevent collision between global variable names, and packages do the same between module names. The packages are also reusable, and that is why they are preferred.

44. What is Scope in Python?

In Python, the location where we can find a variable and can access it when it is required is called scope. This is of two types: global and local. 

Global variables are the ones that can be used by any part of the program and can be declared outside of any function.